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Title: Congenital heart disease in an infant with 49,XXXXY syndrome
Other Titles: 49,XXXXY sendromlu bir çocukta konjenital kalp hastalığı
Authors: Argun, Mustafa
Akin, Mustafa Ali
Kurtoglu, Selim
Sarıca, Dilek
Özyurt, Abdullah
Pamukcu, Özge
Baykan, Ali
Keywords: 49
XXXXY syndrome
Congenital heart disease
Transcathater ductus closure
XXXXY sendromu
Konjenital kalp hastalığı
Transkateter duktus kapatma
Issue Date: 6-May-2014
Publisher: Uludağ Üniversitesi
Citation: Argun, M. vd. (2015). "Congenital heart disease in an infant with 49,XXXXY syndrome". Güncel Pediatri, 13(1), 63-67.
Abstract: 49,XXXXY syndrome which is characterized with the addition of three extra X chromosomes to 46,XY is the rarest sex chromosome aneuploidy syndrome. Its classical findings were defined as a triad of mental retardation, hypogonadism and radioulnar synostosis. In 49,XXXXY syndrome, congenital heart defects like patent ductus arteriosus, atrial septal defect, ventricular septal defect, pulmonary stenosis, Fallot’s tetralogy have been reported. We present a case diagnosed in the newborn stage with low birth weight, short stature, dysmorphic craniofacial findings and hypoplastic male genitalia who was found to have severe pulmonary hypertension and medium patent ductus arteriosus when admitted at 4 months of age with heart failure and who underwent transcathater ductus closure with Amplatzer Duct Occluder I. To our knowledge, our case is the first reported 49,XXXXY syndrome with patent ductus arteriosus closed with the transcathater route.
49,XXXXY sendromu, 46,XY’ye ekstra üç X kromozomu eklenmesi ile karakterize nadir görülen cinsiyet kromozom anöploidi hastalığıdır. Klasik bulguları mental retardasyon, hipogonadizm, radioulnar sinostozis triadı olarak tanımlanmıştır. 49,XXXXY sendromunda patent duktus arteriozus, atriyal septal defekt, ventrikuler septal defekt, pulmoner stenoz, Fallot tetralojisi gibi konjenital kalp defektleri bildirilmiştir. Yenidoğan döneminde düşük doğum ağırlığı, kısa boy, dismorfik kraniyofasiyal bulgular ve hipoplastik erkek genitalya ile tanısını koyduğumuz ve 4 aylık iken kalp yetersizliği kliniği ile kabul edildiğinde ciddi pulmoner hipertansiyonu ve orta büyüklükte patent duktus artriyozusu saptanarak, duktusu transkateter Amplatzer Duktal Okluder I ile kapattığımız olguyu sunuyoruz. Bildiğimiz kadarıyla bu olgu patent duktus artiyozusu transkateter kapatılan ilk 49,XXXXY sendromudur.
ISSN: 1304-9054
Appears in Collections:2015 Cilt 13 Sayı 1

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