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dc.identifier.citationBilgen, M. S. vd. (2015). ''Pelvik yerleşimli sekonder kondrosarkom: Olgu sunumu''. Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi, 41(3), 143-146.tr_TR
dc.description.abstractTüm kemik tümörlerinin %10-15 ini oluşturan osteokondrom iskelet sisteminin en sık görülen iyi huylu tümörüdür. Nadiren olguların %1' inden azında kondrosarkom gelişimi görülür. Olgumuz 27 yaşında kadın hasta karın ağrısı şikayetiyle takip edilirken yapılan tetkiklerde sol superior pubik ramustan köken alan, büyük kısmı intrapelvik yerleşimli, kraniokaudal uzunluğu 176 mm, sağ-sol diameteri 158 mm olan kitle tespit edildi. Yapılan biyopsi sonucunda kondrosarkom tanısı alan hastanın kitlesi geniş cerrahi eksizyon ile rezeke edildi Hastanın 2. dekatta kadın olması, kondrosarkomun nadir görülen pelvik osteokondroma sekonder gelişmesi, büyük bölümü intrapelvik yerleşim gösteren kitlenin, sadece karın ağrısı şikayetine sebep olması nedeniyle erken tanı konmasında güçlük ve gecikme, buna bağlı kitlenin büyüklüğü nedeniyle multidisipliner yaklaşım gerektirmesi nedeniyle tartışmayı amaçladık.tr_TR
dc.description.abstractOsteochondroma, is representing the %10 - %15 of all bone tumors and is the most common benign tumor of the skeletal system. Rarely in %1 of the cases chondrosarcoma is developed. Our case is a woman 27 years old presenting with abdominal pain; after some researcher are made; is setted a big mass originating from left superior ramus pubis, mostly positioned in the intrapelvic space, craniocaudal lenght- 176 cm; left-right diameter- 158 cm. Biopsy has been made and mass was diagnosed chondrosarcoma, surgery and wide resection was performed. The patient is female 2. Decade; the chondrosarcoma is developed secondary to the rare seen pelvic osteochondroma; the mass was mostly positioned in the intrapelvic space and presented only with abdominal pain, thus caused difficulty and delayed diagnose; due to the large size of the mass and the necessity of the multidisciplinary approach we aimed to perform this study. Osteochondroma is the most common benign tumor of the skeletal system representing the %10 - %15 of all bone tumors. Rarely in %1 of the cases chondrosarcoma is developed. Our case is a 27-year-old woman presenting with abdominal pain. During the evaluation process, a big mass originating from left superior ramus pubis, mostly positioned in the intrapelvic space, with a craniocaudal lenght of 176 cm and left-right diameter of 158 cm was detected.Biopsy material was examined and the mass was diagnosed as chondrosarcoma, thus, surgery and wide resection was performed. Since the patient was female and in her second decade and the chondrosarcoma was developed secondary to the a rare-seen pelvic osteochondroma as well as the mass was mostly positioned in the intrapelvic space and presented only with abdominal pain, the diagnosis was both difficult and delayed. Due to the large size of the mass and the necessity of the multidisciplinary approach we aimed to discuss this case.en_US
dc.publisherUludağ Üniversitesitr_TR
dc.subjectPelvik osteokondromtr_TR
dc.subjectSekonder kondrosarkomtr_TR
dc.subjectSeconder condrosarcomeen_US
dc.subjectPelvic osteochondromeen_US
dc.titlePelvik yerleşimli sekonder kondrosarkom: Olgu sunumutr_TR
dc.title.alternativeCase report: Seconder osteochondroma in pelvisen_US
dc.typeOlgu bildirimitr_TR
dc.relation.publicationcategoryMakale - Uluslararası Hakemli Dergitr_TR
dc.contributor.departmentUludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi/Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji Anabilim Dalı.tr_TR
dc.relation.journalUludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi / Journal of Uludag University Medical Facultytr_TR
dc.contributor.buuauthorBilgen, M.Sadık-
dc.contributor.buuauthorKasab, Ayşe Aycan-
dc.contributor.buuauthorToğaç, Soner-
Appears in Collections:2015 Cilt 41 Sayı 3

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