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Title: Effect of some variables on properties of 100% cotton vortex spun yarn
Authors: Örtlek, Hüseyin Gazi
Uludağ Üniversitesi/Mühendislik Fakültesi/Tekstil Mühendisliği Bölümü.
Ülkü, Şükriye
Keywords: Materials science
Issue Date: Jun-2005
Publisher: Sage Publications
Citation: Ortlek, H. G. ve Ulku, S. (2005). "Effect of some variables on properties of 100% cotton vortex spun yarn". Textile Research Journal, 75(6), 458-461.
Abstract: This paper examines the influence of various parameters such as delivery speed, nozzle pressures, and yarn count on the properties of vortex yarns produced using a Murata vortex spinning system. The results indicated that the delivery speed, nozzle pressure, and yarn count are all significant parameters for yarn evenness, imperfections, hairiness and tensile properties. Our findings show that increasing the delivery speed increases the hairiness and decreases the number of neps, and the tensile properties of vortex yarns. When the nozzle pressure increases, yarn unevenness, the number of thick places, the neps values, and the tensile properties of vortex yarns increases but the hairiness values of vortex yarns decreases. In general, the physical, the hairiness, and the tensile properties of coarser vortex yams are better than finer yarns.
ISSN: 0040-5175
Appears in Collections:Web of Science

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