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Title: Dev lenfoid hamartom (Castleman hastalığı)
Other Titles: Gaint lymphoid hamartoma (Castleman's disease)
Authors: Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi/Göğüs Kalp Damar Cerrahisi Anabilim Dalı.
Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi/Patoloji Anabilim Dalı.
Özkan, Hayati
Tolunay, Şahsine
Gözü, R. Oktay
Özer, Ziya G.
Keywords: Dev lenfoid hamartom
Castleman hastalığı
Giant lymphoid hamartoma
Castleman's disease
Issue Date: 1989
Publisher: Uludağ Üniversitesi
Citation: Özkan, H. vd. (1989). ''Dev lenfoid hamartom (Castleman hastalığı)''. Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi, 16(3), 577-583.
Abstract: Dev lenfoid hamanom nadir görülen, benign, soliter lenfoid kitledir. Sıklıkla mediasten veya akciğer hilusunda yerleşir. Tümör mikroskopik yapısına göre "hiyalen vasküler tip" ve "plazma hücreli tip" olmak üzere ikiye ayrılır. Hiyalen vasküler tip benigndir, fakat plazma hücreli tip malignite kriterleri taşır. Bu yazıda sunulan 55 yaşındaki erkek olgunun akciğer grafisinde sol akciğer hilusunda 6 cm çapında kitle saptandı. Sol torakotomi yapıldı ve lenfoid yapıdaki kitle çıkarıldı. Dokunun mikroskopik incelemesinde hiyalen vasküler tip lenfoid hamanom saptandı.
Giant lymphoid hamartomas are known as a rare, benign, large solitary, encapsulated mass of lymphoid tissue. lt frequently involves mediastinum or pulmonary hilum. It may also occur in other various locations. Few of the patients may have general symptoms. Disease has been divided in two variants according to microscopic structure. These are hyaline vascular type and plasma cell type. Hyaline vascular type is benign but plasma cell type carries malignancy criteria, so that plasma cell type has been subject to discussion whether to perform chemotherapy or not. Our case was a 55 year old male with persistent cough. There was a mass having a radius of 6 centimeters on left pulmonary hilum on chest X-ray. Left thoracotomy was performed and hilar lymphoid mass has been removed. Microscopic examination of biopsy disclosed that it was "hyaline vascular type giant lymphoid hamartoma". No other therapy was done. Patient is well six months after the operation.
Appears in Collections:1989 Cilt 16 Sayı 3

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