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dc.contributor.authorDeevi, Seetharama C.-
dc.contributor.authorYılmaz, Ercan-
dc.identifier.citationKahraman, A. vd (2020). "Influence of frequency and gamma irradiation on the electrical characteristics of Er2O3, Gd2O3, Yb2O3, and HfO2 MOS-based devices". Journal of Materials Science, 55(19), 7999-8040.tr_TR
dc.description.abstractThe unique physical, chemical, and electronic properties of rare earth oxides have been of immense interest to replace SiO2 as a dielectric material in metal–oxide–semiconductor (MOS)-based sensors applications to accurately measure the radiation dosage and increase sensor sensitivities in as diverse applications as space radiation, nuclear physics, medical diagnostics, radiation cancer therapy, and personal dosimetry devices. Hence, the electrical characteristics of oxides prior to and after irradiation of MOS-based devices are needed since they are the backbone of the devices such as MOSFETs and ICs. In addition, an understanding of the behaviour of high-k dielectric oxides in an MOS configuration is necessary since the radiation-induced damage occurs in the bulk oxide film and/or near the oxide–semiconductor interface resulting in creation of lattice defects. Hence, MOS structures with the rare earth oxides of Er2O3, Gd2O3, Yb2O3, and a transition metal oxide of HfO2 were produced by RF magnetron sputtering to determine (a) the structure of the films, (b) dielectric constants, (c) capacitance versus voltage behaviour of Er2O3, Gd2O3, Yb2O3, and HfO2 prior to and after irradiation of the devices in the dose range of 0–76 Gy. The experimental results were analysed with a theoretical framework on the energy band diagram and the radiation effects on the electrical characteristics of the MOS capacitors. The characteristics of the devices were evaluated by using effective oxide charge density (QEFF), variation in the oxide trapped charge density (Δ Nox), and interface trapped charge density (Δ Nit). In addition, barrier height (ϕb), image force barrier lowering (Δ ϕb), acceptor concentration (Na) were calculated before and after irradiation and examined the nature of interface states. The radiation responses of the Er2O3 and HfO2 MOS capacitors did not show a stable behaviour with an increase in radiation dose due to possible neutral electron trap centres. Contrary to expectations, we infer that more negative charges are trapped in Gd2O3-based device than positive charges with an increase in radiation dose. The C–V curves of the Yb2O3 MOS capacitor shifted in the same direction at both 100 kHz and 1 MHz, and as expected, positive charge traps in the structure are more efficient than negative charges. The observed sensitivities of Yb2O3 MOS capacitors are 4–7 times higher than those of SiO2, and the sensitivities of the Yb2O3 MOS capacitors with a total radiation dose of 70 Gy were found to be around 28.08 mV/Gy at both 100 kHZ and 1 MHz frequencies. The Yb2O3 appears to be a promising dielectric candidate for developing a new generation of radiation sensors with an excellent interface quality when compared to rare earth mixed oxides such as silicates, transition metal oxides, and the silicates based on transition metals, Al2O3, and BiFeO3. Our review of the literature suggests that while the radiation damage has been assessed comprehensively based on the C–V characteristics, microstructural characterization of the irradiated films and their interfaces is lacking even though the quality of oxide/Si interface is the most important feature of the devices. The electrical data should be correlated with the inferences from XPS, AFM, TEM, XRD, and other techniques. Further progress requires selection and validation of material properties based on theoretical calculations and predications, utilization of diverse thin film processing and characterization techniques, determining the effect of thickness on the properties of MOS capacitors, a thorough understanding of the interfaces, effect of frequency on the MOS capacitors and the interface characteristics, effect of radiation on the physical, interfacial, and electrical characteristics of MOS capacitors, and preparation and characterization of sensors based on thin films of novel mixed oxides and silicates of different chemistries.tr_TR
dc.description.sponsorshipVirginia Commonwealth Universitytr_TR
dc.description.sponsorshipT.C. Cumhurbaşkanlığı Strateji ve Bütçe Başkanlığı (2016K12-2834)tr_TR
dc.subjectRay irradiationtr_TR
dc.subjectInterface statestr_TR
dc.subjectRadiation responsetr_TR
dc.subjectPMOS dosimeterstr_TR
dc.subjectAluminum oxidetr_TR
dc.subjectCharge densitytr_TR
dc.subjectDamage detectiontr_TR
dc.subjectDielectric devicestr_TR
dc.subjectDielectric materialstr_TR
dc.subjectEarth (planet)tr_TR
dc.subjectElectronic propertiestr_TR
dc.subjectErbium compoundstr_TR
dc.subjectFilm preparationGadolinium compoundstr_TR
dc.subjectFilm thicknesstr_TR
dc.subjectHafnium oxidestr_TR
dc.subjectInterface statestr_TR
dc.subjectLow-k dielectrictr_TR
dc.subjectMagnetron sputteringtr_TR
dc.subjectMOSFET devicestr_TR
dc.subjectOxide filmstr_TR
dc.subjectRadiation damagetr_TR
dc.subjectRare earthstr_TR
dc.subjectThin filmstr_TR
dc.subjectTransition metal oxidestr_TR
dc.subjectTransition metalstr_TR
dc.subjectYtterbium compoundstr_TR
dc.subjectCharacterization techniquestr_TR
dc.subjectElectrical characteristictr_TR
dc.subjectInterface trapped chargestr_TR
dc.subjectMicro-structural characterizationtr_TR
dc.subjectOxide trapped charge densitytr_TR
dc.subjectRadiation induced damagetr_TR
dc.subjectSemiconductor interfacestr_TR
dc.subjectTheoretical calculationstr_TR
dc.subjectMOS capacitorstr_TR
dc.subjectMaterials sciencetr_TR
dc.titleInfluence of frequency and gamma irradiation on the electrical characteristics of Er2O3, Gd2O3, Yb2O3, and HfO2 MOS-based devicestr_TR
dc.relation.publicationcategoryMakale - Uluslararası Hakemli Dergitr_TR
dc.contributor.departmentBursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi/Fizik Bölümü.tr_TR
dc.relation.journalJournal of Materials Sciencetr_TR
dc.contributor.buuauthorKahraman, Ayşegül-
dc.relation.collaborationYurt içitr_TR
dc.relation.collaborationYurt dışıtr_TR
dc.subject.wosMaterials science, multidisciplinarytr_TR
dc.subject.scopusGate Dielectrics; Hafnium Oxides; Thin Filmstr_TR
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