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Title: Türk-Yunan nüfus mübadelesi sonucu Bursa'ya gelen göçmenlerin kentin sosyal yapısı üzerindeki etkileri (1923-1935)
Other Titles: The impact of the migrants who came after the tresty for exchange of population between Greece and Turkey on the city of Bursa (1923-1935)
Authors: Akgün, Seçil
Şeker, Nesim
Uludağ Üniversitesi/Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü/Tarih Anabilim Dalı/Cumhuriyet Tarihi Bilim Dalı.
Keywords: Bursa
Sosyal değişme
Social structure
Social change
Sosyal yapı
Uluslararası göç
International migration
Issue Date: 1995
Publisher: Uludağ Üniversitesi
Citation: Şeker, N. (1995). Türk-Yunan nüfus mübadelesi sonucu Bursa'ya gelen göçmenlerin kentin sosyal yapısı üzerindeki etkileri (1923-1935). Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.
Abstract: Migrations toward Asia Minor that occurred through the nineteenth and the first quarter of the twentieth centuries have influenced that region socially, economically, politically and culturally. Many cities in Asia Minor had a new social and demographic appearance after these migrations. The compulsory migration which was the result of the Agreement for the Exchange of Populations between Greece and Turkey can be accounted as the last stage in this process. Bursa always had a share from the mentioned migrations. after the exchange of populations approximately 35, 000 people were settled in Bursa, these people had the following influences on the social structure of the city: 1) The population of Bursa was homogenized in respect of religion and ethnicity because of the out-migration of the Greeks and Armenians and in-migration of the musulman people. 2) The new comers were mostly agrarian in contrast to the Greeks and Armenians who were occupied in commerce and industry most of the time. Therefore, the exchanged people filled the gap in the agricultural sector to a great extent, however, they partly filled the gap in commerce and industry by providing work force. 3) After the settlement of the exchanged people. Bursa, like its population had a homogen appearance culturally.
Appears in Collections:Sosyal Bilimler Yüksek Lisans Tezleri / Master Degree

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