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Title: Changes of photosynthetic pigment content in lichens collected from urban and rural localities in Bursa province
Authors: Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi/Biyoloji Bölümü.
Akyiğit, Feyza
Demir, Mesut
Öztürk, Şule
Oran, Seyhan
Keywords: Bursa
Chlorophyll degradation rate
Epiphytic lichen
Photosynthetic pigment content
Issue Date: 21-Jun-2019
Publisher: Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
Citation: Akyiğit, F. vd. (2019). ''Changes of photosynthetic pigment content in lichens collected from urban and rural localities in Bursa province''. Journal of Biological and Environmental Sciences, 13(38), 65-69.
Abstract: In this study, contents of photosynthetic pigment in foliose Melanelixia subaurifera, Parmelia sulcata and fruticose Evernia prunastri, Ramalina farinacea were compared. Lichen species were collected from five localities in Bursa. Chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, total chlorophlly, total carotenoid contents (mg/g), chlorophyll a/b ratio, total carotenoid/total chlorophyll ratio and phaeophytinization (OD435/OD415) ratio in the lichen extracts were differently determined between localities. These changes were found statistically significant (p≤0.05). The chlorophyll degradation rate at the localities in urban environments is determined to be higher than in the natural environment. It was observed that the air quality exposure ratio was related to the lichen morphology and thus the fruticose lichen species were more sensitive than foliose.
ISSN: 1307-9530
Appears in Collections:2019 Cilt 13 Sayı 38

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