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Başlık: Airborne pollen grains of Burdur, Turkey
Yazarlar: Akkaya, Ahmet
Turgut, Ercan
Şahin, Ünal
Uludağ Üniversitesi/Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi/Biyoloji Bölümü.
Bıçakçı, Adem
Malyer, Hulusi
Anahtar kelimeler: Biochemistry & molecular biology
Pollen calendar
Pollen concentration
Plant sciences
Mediterranean area
Yayın Tarihi: 2000
Yayıncı: Science Press
Atıf: Bıçakçı, A. vd. (2000). "Airborne pollen grains of Burdur, Turkey". Acta Botanica Sinica, 42(8), 864-867.
Özet: The pollen grains in the atmosphere of Burdur have been studied for a two-year period (1996 through 1997) with a Durham sampler. A total of 11 881 pollen grains belonging to 39 taxa have been identified and recorded with some unidentified ones. Of them, 5 726 were identified in 1996 and 6 155 in 1997. Of the total pollen grains, 76.51% were arboreal, 21.62% non-arboreal and 1.87% unidentified. The majority of the investigated pollen grains were from Pinus L., Cupressaceae, Gramineae, Quercus L., Platanus L., Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae, Salix L., Cedrus I,., Compositae, Juglans L. and Urticaceae respectively. The highest level of pollen concentration was in May.
URI: 0577-7496
Koleksiyonlarda Görünür:Web of Science

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