Bu öğeden alıntı yapmak, öğeye bağlanmak için bu tanımlayıcıyı kullanınız: http://hdl.handle.net/11452/21161
Başlık: Comparison of alkaline scouring of cotton vs. alkaline pectinase preparation
Yazarlar: Uludağ Üniversitesi/Mühendislik Fakültesi.
Aniş, Pervin
Aksel, Hüseyin Eren
Anahtar kelimeler: Chemistry
Materials science
Enzymatic hydrolysis
Yayın Tarihi: Ara-2002
Yayıncı: Amer Assoc Textile Chemists Colorists
Atıf: Anis, P. ve Eren, H.A. (2002). "Comparison of alkaline scouring of cotton vs. alkaline pectinase preparation". Aatcc Rewiew, 2(12), 22-26.
Özet: Enzymatic scouring of cotton is developing into a commercially viable technology. Today's scouring process ischemically based and highly alkaline. Due to the unspecific nature of chemical processes, not only the impurities but also the cellulose are attacked, leading to damage in strength properties. Furthermore, current processes cause environmental problems due to high COD, BOD, and salt content in the effluents. Using enzymes decreases both effluent load and preparation costs. This paper discusses the necessary conditions for successful enzymatic scouring and the possibility of one-or two-step pretreatment of cotton with enzymes.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11452/21161
ISSN: 1532-8813
Koleksiyonlarda Görünür:Web of Science

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