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Başlık: Erythrocyte size and morphology of some tortoises and turtles from Turkey
Yazarlar: Uludağ Üniversitesi/Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi/Biyoloji Bölümü.
Uğurtaş, İsmail Hakkı
Sevinç, Murat
Yıldırımhan, Hikmet Sami
Anahtar kelimeler: Zoology
Erythrocyte size
Erythrocyte morphology
Yayın Tarihi: Oca-2003
Yayıncı: Biodiversity Research Center
Atıf: Uğurtaş, İ.H. vd. (2003). “Erythrocyte size and morphology of some tortoises and turtles from Turkey”. Zoological Studies, 42(1), 173-184.
Özet: Erythrocyte size and morphology of some tortoises and turtles from Turkey. Zoological Studies 42(1): 173-178. In this study, erythrocyte size and morphology of the turtles, Emys orbicularis hellenica and Mauremys rivulata (Emydidae), and tortoises, Testudo hermanni hermanni, and T. graeca ibera (Testudinidae), living in Turkey were examined. Twenty-five specimens were used in the study. There were 6 of E. orbicularis hellenica, 5 of M. rivulata, 5 of T h. hermanni, and 9 of T graeca ibera. Erythrocyte morphology of these examined species was described using Wright's technique. The sizes of erythrocytes and their nuclei were measured using an ocular micrometer at a magnification of 1600x. Results of this study were compared with previous work on the other reptile species. The largest and the widest erythrocytes were found in E. orbicularis hellenica and the smallest in T graeca ibera. In terms of the studied species, the nuclear and erythrocyte sizes were found to be correlated (Testudinidae: r = 0.494, p < 0.001; Emydidae: r = 0.668, p < 0.001).
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11452/21570
ISSN: 1021-5506
Koleksiyonlarda Görünür:Scopus
Web of Science

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