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Başlık: A new flap from the dorsum of the first intermetacarpal area: The first dorsal intermetacarpal flap
Yazarlar: Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi/Plastik ve Rekonstrüktif Cerrahi Anabilim Dalı/El Cerrahisi Anabilim Dalı.
Tezcan, Murat
Özcan, Mesut
Kahveci, Ramazan
Şafak, Erhan
Akın, Selçuk
Anahtar kelimeler: Surgery
Metacarpal flaps
Yayın Tarihi: 1996
Yayıncı: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Atıf: Tezcan, M. vd. (1997). "A new flap from the dorsum of the first intermetacarpal area: The first dorsal intermetacarpal flap". Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 100(4), 914-918.
Özet: Soft-tissue reconstruction of the hand still remains a challenge for plastic and reconstructive surgeons. Several flaps have been described to cover soft-tissue defects of the digits and the hand. In the first web region, there are some communications between the intermediate artery arising from the dorsal blanch of the radial artery and the volar arteries of the thumb and the index finger. Depending on these communications, a new distally based nap is raised fr om the first dorsal intermetacarpal area. This flap has been used to cover various defects of the thumb in four patients and the distal radial side of the palmar area in one patient. Donor sites have been closed primarily except in one patient. There were no complications, and the results show that this flap is useful to cover soft-tissue defects of the thumb and proximal phalanx of the index finger as well as the radial side of the palmar and dorsal surfaces of the hand.
Açıklama: Bu çalışma, 16-18 Mayıs 1996 tarihleri arasında Avusturya'da düzenlenen 7. Annual Meeting of the European-Association-of-Plastic-Surgeons'da bildiri olarak sunulmuştur.
URI: https://doi.org/10.1097/00006534-199709001-00013
ISSN: 0032-1052
Koleksiyonlarda Görünür:Scopus
Web of Science

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