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Başlık: Rapid determination of the fracture toughness of metallic materials using circumferentially notched bars
Yazarlar: Uludağ Üniversitesi/Mühendislik Fakültesi.
Bayram, Ali
Uğuz, Agah
Durmuş, Ali
Anahtar kelimeler: Al-Zn-Mg-Cu-wrought alloy
Fracture toughness
Al-Si-cast alloys
Dual-phase steel
Mechanical properties
Heat treatment
Notched bar tensile testing
Stress concentration
Fracture toughness tests
Aluminum alloys
Yayın Tarihi: Eki-2002
Yayıncı: Springer
Atıf: Bayram, A. vd. (2002). "Rapid determination of the fracture toughness of metallic materials using circumferentially notched bars". Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 11(5), 571-576.
Özet: Three types of material whose fracture toughness tests were previously performed by using circumferentially notched bars, namely (1) a dual-phase steel with three different morphologies; (2) an Al-Zn-Mg-Cu-wrought alloy; and (3) Al-Si-cast alloys with three different Si contents, were investigated in terms of accuracy and reliability of the testing method. Also, the advantages of using circumferentially notched bars for fracture toughness determination of metallic materials were discussed. With the help of stress concentration factors, which are associated with the bluntness of the notch, correction factors for the fracture toughness calculations are derived. The corrected fracture toughness values are found to be close to the uncorrected ones, implying that the testing procedure is reliable.
URI: https://doi.org/10.1361/105994902770343836
ISSN: 1059-9495
Koleksiyonlarda Görünür:Scopus
Web of Science

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