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Başlık: A modified yoga-based exercise program in hemodialysis patients: A randomized controlled study
Yazarlar: Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi/Fiziksel Tıp ve Rehabilitasyon Anabilim Dalı.
Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi/Nefroloji Anabilim Dalı.
Yurtkuran, Merih
Alp, Alev
Yurtkuran, Mustafa Abbas
Dilek, Kevser
Anahtar kelimeler: End-stage renal disease
Stage renal-disease
Hatha Yoga
Yayın Tarihi: Eyl-2007
Yayıncı: Churchill Livingstone
Atıf: Yurtkuran, M. vd. (2007). "A modified yoga-based exercise program in hemodialysis patients: A randomized controlled study". Complementary Therapies in Medicine,15(30), 164-171.
Özet: Aim: To evaluate the effects of a yoga-based exercise program on pain, fatigue, steep disturbance, and biochemical markers in hemodialysis patients. Materials and methods: In 2004 a randomized controlled trial was carried out in the outpatient hemodialysis unit of the Nephrology Department, Uludag University Faculty of Medicine. Clinically stable hemodialysis patients (n = 37) were included and followed in two groups: the modified yoga-based exercise group (n = 19) and the control group (n = 18). Yoga-based exercises were done in groups for 30 min/day twice a week for 3 months. All of the patients in the yoga and control groups were given an active range of motion exercises to do for 10 min at home. The main outcome measures were pain intensity (measured by the visual analogue scale, VAS), fatigue (VAS), steep disturbance (VAS), and grip strength (mmHg); biochemical variables - urea, creatinine, calcium, alkaline phosphatase, phosphorus, cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, triglyceride, erythrocyte, hematocrit - were evaluated. Results: After a 12-week intervention, significant improvements were seen in the variables: pain -37%, fatigue -55%, steep disturbance -25%, grip strength +15%, urea -29%, creatinine -14%, alkaline phosphatase -15%, cholesterol -15%, erythrocyte +11%, and hematocrit count +13%; no side-effects were seen. Improvement of the variables in the yoga-based exercise program was found to be superior to that in the control group for all the variables except calcium, phosphorus, HDL-cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Conclusion: A simplified yoga-based rehabilitation program is a complementary, safe and effective clinical treatment modality in patients with end-stage renal disease.
URI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ctim.2006.06.008
ISSN: 09652299
Koleksiyonlarda Görünür:Scopus
Web of Science

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