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Title: Enuresis and the effective factors - A case-control study
Authors: Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi/Halk Sağlığı Anabilim Dalı.
Nalan, Akın
İrgil, Emel
Aytekin, Nihal Destan
Keywords: Case-control study
Childhood nocturnal enuresis
Urology & nephrology
Issue Date: Jun-2002
Publisher: Informa Healthcare
Citation: Akın, N vd. (2002). "Enuresis and the effective factors - A case-control study." Scandinavian Journal of Urology and Nephrology, 36(3), 199-203.
Abstract: Objective: Enuresis is widespread and affects the child and the family both psychologically and socially. This research was performed between 1 February and 30 June 1998, in Gemlik district to investigate the effective factors on enuresis among 5-9 year-old children. Material and Methods: A questionnaire containing 31 questions was answered by the mothers during the house visits. Two hundred and seventy-seven cases were determined in a previous study and randomly selected 277 controls were matched according to their ages, gender and residential districts. Results: Younger mothers, mothers with less education and working mothers have more enuretic children. Enuresis is more prevalent within the first children. Odds ratio is 11.1 if his/her mother and/or father has had enuresis. The age of toilet training was earlier among controls than cases. Conclusions: As enuresis is rather widespread, the parents may consider this as a transient problem and therefore no effort might be given for the solution. Trained health personnel and physicians should enlighten the parents about enuresis in order to eliminate the negative effect on the child.
ISSN: 0036-5599
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