Bu öğeden alıntı yapmak, öğeye bağlanmak için bu tanımlayıcıyı kullanınız: http://hdl.handle.net/11452/23844
Başlık: Simultaneous occurrence of synchronous and metachronous tumors with gastrointestinal stromal tumors
Yazarlar: Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi/Cerrahi Patoloji Anabilim Dalı.
Adım, Şaduman Balaban
Filiz, Gülaydan
Kanat, Özkan
Yerci, Ömer
Anahtar kelimeler: General & internal medicine
Gastrointestinal stromal tumor
Synchronous tumor
Metachronous tumor
Yayın Tarihi: 2011
Yayıncı: Comenius
Atıf: Adım, S. B. vd. (2011). "Simultaneous occurrence of synchronous and metachronous tumors with gastrointestinal stromal tumors". Bratislava Medical Journal, 112(11), 623-625.
Özet: Objective: To examine the frequency and clinicopathological features of synchronous and metachronous tumors which occur simultaneously with gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST). Methods: Clinical and pathologic records of 78 patients diagnosed with primary GIST and treated at our institution between 1997 and 2009 were reviewed. Results: GIST occurred simultaneously with other primary GI malignancies in 16.1 % (n=13) of all patients with GIST. Of the simultaneous secondary tumors, 69.2 % (n=9) were gastrointestinal tumors, and the remaining were biliary system and breast tumors. GIST most frequently had gastric localization (n=6, 46.1 %). Conclusion: Although GIST are uncommon neoplasms, their synchronous and metachronous coexistence with other tumors is rather frequent, mostly as incidental tumors accompanying a gastrointestinal neoplasm. Therefore, during surgery on cases with gastrointestinal neoplasms, the surgeon needs to be careful about a synchronous GIST. At the same time, more detailed studies are needed about the carcinogenesis of dual tumors coexisting with GIST (Tab. 1, Ref. 14).
URI: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22180988/
ISSN: 0006-9248
Koleksiyonlarda Görünür:Scopus
Web of Science

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