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Başlık: Effect of sample layer numbers and fabric constructional parameters on colour strength, colour difference and colour matching properties of polyester woven fabrics
Yazarlar: Uludağ Üniversitesi/Mühendislik Fakültesi/Tekstil Mühendisliği Bölümü.
Akgün, Mine
Becerir, Behçet
Alpay, Halil Rıfat
Anahtar kelimeler: Materials science
Delta E-ab* colour difference
Colour strength
Colour matching
Fabric layer number
Polyester fabric constructional parameters
Operational impacts
Color printing
Structure (composition)
Colour differences
Colour strength
Constructional parameters
Fabric layer
Fabric structures
Filament fineness
Matching property
Polyester fabri
Yayın Tarihi: 21-Şub-2016
Yayıncı: Taylor & Francis
Atıf: Akgün, M. vd. (2017). ''Effect of sample layer numbers and fabric constructional parameters on colour strength, colour difference and colour matching properties of polyester woven fabrics''. Journal of the Textile Institute, 108(1), 102-109.
Özet: This paper focused on the effect of different fabric layer numbers on colour strength (K/S), colour difference (Delta E-ab*) and colour matching properties of polyester fabrics woven with different constructional parameters. Colour strength and colour difference measurements were conducted on the dyed fabric samples at six (1, 2, 3, 4, 8 and 16) different fabric layers. Polyester fabrics having different constructional parameters were used and the fabrics differed from each other by their weft yarn filament fineness (fibre count), weft yarn densities and weave patterns in the experimental subgroups. Warp yarn type and count, warp density and warp yarn twist were the same in the subgroups. Colour strength, colour difference and colour matching properties were discussed depending on constructional parameters and fabric layer numbers. Colour difference values of the fabrics decreased as layer numbers increased. However, they increased as fibres in fabric structure became finer, as weft densities decreased and as weave patterns differed from plain to sateen. Colour matching between different constructed polyester fabrics became easier when plain patterns and high weft densities were used, i.e. when compactness increased. Usage of finer filament yarns caused fabric compactness to increase but colour matching became more difficult under certain circumstances. Colour matching became easier with increasing compactness but usage of different filament fineness affected the ease of matching depending on fabric constructional properties.
URI: https://doi.org/10.1080/00405000.2016.1159165
ISSN: 0040-5000
Koleksiyonlarda Görünür:Scopus
Web of Science

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