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Başlık: Effect of twist on the performance of tire cord yarns
Yazarlar: Uludağ Üniversitesi/Mühendislik Fakültesi/Tekstil Mühendisliği Bölümü.
Hockenberger, Aslı Şengönül
Koral, S.
Anahtar kelimeler: Materials science
Creep property
Fracture mechanism
Polyester cord
Polyethylene naphthalate cord
Cord construction
Polyester yarn
Polyethylene naphthalate
Tensile property
Tire cord
Yayın Tarihi: Mar-2004
Yayıncı: Natl Inst Science Communication-NISCAIR
Atıf: Hockenberger, A. S. ve Koral, S. (2004). “Effect of twist on the performance of tire cord yarns”. Indian Journal of Fibre and Textile Research, 29(1), 19-24.
Özet: The effect of twist on the performance of polyethylene naphthalate, dimensionally stable polyester and high-tenacity polyester cord yams has been studied. It is observed that the twist has a very important effect on the tensile properties, creep properties and fracture mechanism. An increase in the twist level increases breaking elongation and creep rate but decreases breaking strength. Breaking mechanisms are also affected by the twist level. However, it is found that the material has the most important role on the cord performance.
URI: http://nopr.niscpr.res.in/bitstream/123456789/22597/1/IJFTR%2029%281%29%2019-24.pdf
ISSN: 0971-0426
Koleksiyonlarda Görünür:Scopus
Web of Science

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