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Başlık: Effects of gamma irradiation on some mechanical properties of novoloid fibers
Yazarlar: Uludağ Üniversitesi/Mühendislik Fakültesi/Tekstil Mühendisliği Bölümü.
Ulcay, Yusuf
Altun, Şule
Anahtar kelimeler: Materials science
Polymer science
Co 60
Gamma radiation
Novolac resins
Novoloid fibers
Tensile properties
Yayın Tarihi: Haz-2004
Yayıncı: Korean Fiber
Atıf: Ulcay, Y. ve Altun, S. (2004). “Effects of gamma irradiation on some mechanical properties of novoloid fibers”. Fibers and Polymers, 5(2), 156-159.
Özet: Novoloid fibers have high chemical, flame and thermal resistance; however they have low tensile properties. Effects of gamma irradiation on the tensile properties of novoloid fibers have been investigated. Loop and knot resistance have also been examined. Maximum tenacity of the single fiber increased with an increase of the radiation dose applied. According to the loop and knot tenacity results it is found that brittleness has been also affected by the amount of radiation dose.
URI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02902931
ISSN: 1229-9197
Koleksiyonlarda Görünür:Web of Science

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