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Title: Neurobrucellosis in the differential diagnosis of multiple sclerosis: Two cases
Authors: Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi/Nöroloji Anabilim Dalı.
Taşkapılıoğlu, Özlem
Özyurtlu, D.
Atasayar, Gülfer
Yılmaz, Emel
Helvacı, Safiye
Hakyemez, Bahattin
Turan, F.
Keywords: Neurosciences & neurology
Issue Date: Oct-2013
Publisher: Sage Publications
Citation: Taşkapılıoğlu, O. vd. (2013). “Neurobrucellosis in the differential diagnosis of multiple sclerosis: Two cases”. Multiple Sclerosis Journal, 19(11), Supplement, 79-79.
Description: Bu çalışma, 02-05 Ekim 2013 tarihleri arasında Copenhagen[Danimarka]’da düzenlenen 29. Congress of the European-Committee-for-Treatment-and-Research-in-Multiple-Sclerosis / 18. Annual Conference of Rehabilitation in MS’da bildiri olarak sunulmuştur.
ISSN: 1352-4585
Appears in Collections:Web of Science

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