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Başlık: Biogas production potential of olive-mill wastes in Turkey
Yazarlar: Uludağ Üniversitesi/Teknik Bilimler Meslek Yüksekokulu.
Ulusoy, Yahya
Ulukardeşler, Ayşe Hilal
Anahtar kelimeler: Science & technology - other topics
Energy & fuels
Anaerobic fermentation
Olive pomace
Olive-mill wastewater
Chemical analysis
Chemical oxygen demand
Energy conversion
Energy efficiency
Olive oil
Wastewater reclamation
Anaerobic fermentation
Biogas production
Energy source
Environmental problems
Olive mill wastewaters
Olive oil production
Olive-mill waste
Wastewater disposal
Yayın Tarihi: 2017
Yayıncı: IEEE
Atıf: Ulusoy, Y. ve Ulukardeşler, A. H. (2017). ''Biogas production potential of olive-mill wastes in Turkey''. International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications, 2017 IEEE 6. international conference on renewable energy research and applications (ICRERA), 664-668.
Özet: The disposal of olive-mill pomace and its wastewater is a major problem worldwide. In general, the evaporation of stored wastewater accumulation merges with rainwater to cause greater environmental problems. However, an important recycling chain can be formed through biogas production and energy conversion from olive pomace and wastewater. This study evaluated the potential of the olive oil production in Turkey in terms of energy efficiency by examining the anaerobic fermentation method. In addition, chemical analysis of olive wastewater was conducted and its biogas potential was calculated. As a result of processing the olive wastewater for biogas purposes, the chemical oxygen demand of the product 2.3 g/L was found to be lower than the legal discharge criteria. If processed for biogas purposes, the 1,259,828 m(3) of non-disposable wastewater produced annually has the potential to yield 42,834,160 m(3)/ year of biogas as a significant energy source.
Açıklama: Bu çalışma, 05-06, Kasım 2017 tarihlerinde San Diego[Amerika]’da düzenlenen 6. IEEE International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications (ICRERA) Kongresi‘nde bildiri olarak sunulmuştur.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11452/33917
ISBN: 978-1-5386-2095-3
ISSN: 2377-6897
Koleksiyonlarda Görünür:Scopus
Web of Science

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