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Başlık: Elastic-plastic stress analysis of unidirectionally reinforced symmetric thermoplastic laminated beams loaded by bending moment
Yazarlar: Çallıoğlu, Hasan
Aksoy, Sami
Uludağ Üniversitesi/Mühendislik Fakültesi/Makine Mühendisliği Bölümü.
Ülkü, Sedat
Korkmaz, Behiye
Anahtar kelimeler: Materials science
Elastic-plastic stress analysis
Residual stresses
Laminated beam
Thermoplastic composites
Analytical solution
Bending moments
Composite beams and girders
Laminated composites
Plastic flow;
Stress analysis
Plastic boundaries
Transverse displacement
Unidirectionally reinforced symmetric thermoplastic laminated beams
Fiber reinforced plastics
Yayın Tarihi: Oca-2004
Yayıncı: Sage Publi̇cati̇ons
Atıf: Çallıoğlu, H. vd. (2004). “Elastic-plastic stress analysis of unidirectionally reinforced symmetric thermoplastic laminated beams loaded by bending moment”. Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials, 17(1), 77-97.
Özet: Elastic-plastic stress analysis is carried out on steel fiber reinforced thermoplastic matrix laminated beams loaded by bending moment. The beam is composed of four orthotropic layers, perfectly bonded and symmetrically arranged with respect to the x-axis. The orientation angles are chosen as (90 degrees/0 degrees)(s), (30 degrees/-30 degrees)(s), (45 degrees/-45 degrees)(s) and (60 degrees/-60 degrees)(s). The composite material is assumed to be linearly hardening, sigma(x) residual stress component is found to be highest at the upper and lower surfaces. However, when the applied bending moment is increased, the plastic region is further expanded towards middle plane from the upper and lower surfaces of the beam and so a, residual stress component is found to be highest at the elastic and plastic boundaries. The plastic flow is obtained to be maximum at the upper and lower surfaces for (30 degrees/-30 degrees)(s) orientation. The transverse displacement is obtained to be highest at the free end for (90 degrees/0 degrees)(s) orientation.
URI: https://doi.org/10.1177/0892705704035408
ISSN: 0892-7057
Koleksiyonlarda Görünür:Scopus
Web of Science

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