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Title: Some algebraic relations on integer sequences involving oblong and balancing numbers
Authors: Özkoç, Arzu
Uludağ Üniversitesi/Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi/Matematik Bölümü.
Tekcan, Ahmet
Eraşık, Meltem E.
Keywords: Mathematics
Fibonacci numbers
Lucas numbers
Pell numbers
Oblong numbers
Balancing numbers
Binary linear recurrences
Circulant matrix
Spectral norm
Simple continued fraction expansion
Issue Date: Jul-2016
Publisher: Charles Babbage Research Centre
Citation: Tekcan, A. vd. (2016). "Some algebraic relations on integer sequences involving oblong and balancing numbers". Ars Combinatoria, 128, 11-31.
Abstract: Let k >= 0 be an integer. Oblong (pronic) numbers are numbers of the form O-k = k(k+1). In this work, we set a new integer sequence B = B-n(k) defined as B-0 = 0, B-1 = 1 and B-n = O-k Bn-1 - Bn-2 for n >= 2 and then derived some algebraic relations on it. Later, we give some new results on balancing numbers via oblong numbers.
ISSN: 0381-7032
Appears in Collections:Scopus
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